

Friday 8 September 2017

Game 85: Helynna vs Zerkova1

Game 85 – Vs Richard Beech – Khador – 30/08/17

My list:
Magister Helynna
-Sylys Wyshnaylrr, The Seeker
Arcanist Mechanik
Max Dawnguard Sentinels
-Officer & Standard Bearer
Max Dawnguard Sentinels
-Officer & Standard Bearer
Spears of Scyrah

His List:
Koldun Kommande Aleksandra Zerkova (Legion of Steel)
Iron Fang Kovnik
Iron Fang Kovnik
Uhlan Kovnik Markov
Min Iron Fang Uhlans
Min Iron Fang Uhlans
Great Bears of the Gallowswood
Max Iron Fang Pikemen
-Officer & Standard Bearer
Min Black Dragons
-Officer & Standard Bearer

Before submitting his WTC lists Richard wanted to test his Zerkova list into some Covering Fire. I wanted to give my Helynna list another run out and, whilst it only has 2 Manticores it would still ask enough of a question of his list. I won the roll for first turn but the table was so skewed in terms of terrain that I had to take second turn. We got moving.

Zerkova casts Watcher and his forces run up. Following an Advance Move his central Iron Fang Pikemen are a very long way up the table. I guess this is how people feel when Retribution players take Halberdiers… The Uhlans flank hard on each side to put pressure on my Sentinels.

I have to feat bottom of 1. Rich is so far up the table and has such huge threat ranges that I have no choice. I put up the Covering Fires in the centre to halt his advance, and run the Spears up to reinforce the gap. My Sentinels run up on the flanks and Mini-Feat to get up to Arm23. I await my fate.

Richard clears out 2 of the Spears of Scyrah in the centre but generally holds back. The Uhlans back off out of the Sentinels’ 10” threat and a Juggernaut moves to toe the zone to prevent me scoring. Zerkova moves up and Feats, catching the vast majority of my force.

Whilst we would go to 1-1 on score at the end of my turn, I feel that this is the only point I would score over the course of the game, as I would just get jammed away from his half of the table. I move a few bits and pieces around, but quickly realise that the game is unplayable and concede.


A bit of a waste of time as games go, and by far the closest that I have come to not bothering to write a report up. The combination of the terrain, the scenario and a very strong opponent made this game completely unwinnable as far as I can tell. Had I gone first I could have got up the table further but Rich would still have forced me to feat first, backed off and then destroyed me on the next turn. Zerkova has easily one of the top 5 feats in the game and I am surprised more Khador players haven’t cottoned onto her sooner. The game served its purpose as Rich got to see that Covering Fire isn’t a real issue for his list, and I took a step away from playing this Helynna list. I am sure it is a good list, and a decent theme might bring it back into play for me, but I just find it so boring to play, and in the end playing a list that you enjoy is as important as anything else. The hunt for list 3 continues…

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