

Tuesday 4 July 2017

Game 51: Kaelyssa vs Kryssa

Game 51 – Vs Dan Price – Legion of Everblight – 25/06/17

My list:
Kaelyssa, The Night’s Whisper
Arcantrik Force Generator
Arcanist Mechanik
Arcanist Mechanik
Eiryss, Angel of Retribution
Max Dawnguard Sentinels
-Dawnguard Sentinel Officer and Standard Bearer
Max Dawnguard Sentinels
-Dawnguard Sentinel Officer and Standard Bearer

His List:
Kryssa, Conviction of Everblight (Children of the Dragon)
-Nephilim Bloodseer
-Nephilim Bolt Thrower
-Nephilim Protector
-Nephilim Soldier
-Nephilim Soldier
Beast Mistress
Blighted Nyss Shepherd
Blighted Nyss Shepherd
Blighted Nyss Shepherd
Max Blighted Nyss Archers
-Officer & Ammo Porter
Max Spawning Vessel
Max Spawning Vessel

The second game at Powerfist’s Steamroller saw me face up against Dan Price and his Legion of Everblight. Dan always takes left field lists and this was no different, with his pair being Kryssa in Children of the Dragon, and Saeryn in Oracles. I am seriously underprepared into Legion but knew that relying on Stealth to save me would be a terrible plan, so dropped Kaelyssa. Dan dropped the Kryssa list and won first turn due to the +1 from the theme.

Dan runs up his forces, casting Cloak of Ash on the Archers, and Tactical Supremacy on Azreal. He opts not to kill any of his own models to fill the Spawning Pots up.

I feat this turn in order to prevent him from charging me, and otherwise advance into position for next turn. The AFG fires an AOE at the archers, killing 4 with a lucky scatter. All 4 were replaced with Incubi. Refuge is cast on Kaelyssa herself and Blur is put on Helios, making him DEF17 against shooting.

Dan continues his advance, the little shooting he has being focussed on Helios, doing minimal damage. He spawns another couple of Lesser Beasts and jams Lessers, Incubi and two Nephilim into my forces to keep me back.

I see an opportunity to take out Azriel and remove the biggest threat to Helios. I need 2 pushes to hit (needing 7s) and then put melee attacks into him and hopefully take him out. The first hits but the remaining shots both miss. Unfortunately this left him in walking threat of Kaelyssa who had Refuged back behind the forest. The rest of my turn was scattering to try and rescue my caster, with the AFG running to block one side and a Sentinel Officer covering the other. I kill a load of light and lesser beasts but don’t think it is enough.

My scattered defence proved not to be enough as a Shredder removed the blocking Sentinel and Azriel, powered by Kryssa’s Feat, walked up the Kaelyssa and killed her in 2 attacks.


A huge mistake decided this game but having spoken to Dan afterwards I was likely to have been in a rough position anyway. Had I not pushed Azriel forwards I would have easily lose Helios and a huge amount of Sentinels, and have struggled to pull the attrition back. This game really highlighted that I need to get some serious games into Legion to learn how they play. Dan played his list pretty flawlessly and it is so refreshing to see something left field be so powerful in the right hands.

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