

Friday 23 June 2017

Game 43: Kaelyssa vs Ossyan

Game 43 – Vs Paul Sheald – Retribution of Scyrah – 17/06/17

My list:
Kaelyssa, The Night’s Whisper
Arcantrik Force Generator
Arcanist Mechanik
Arcanist Mechanik
Eiryss, Angel of Retribution
Max Dawnguard Sentinels
-Dawnguard Sentinel Officer and Standard Bearer
Max Dawnguard Sentinels
-Dawnguard Sentinel Officer and Standard Bearer

His List:
Lord Arcanist Ossyan (Shadows of the Retribution)
Eiryss, Mage Hunter of Ios
Narn, Mage Hunter of Ios
Arcanist Mechanik
Arcanist Mechanik
Arcanist Mechanik
Max Mage Hunter Strike Force
Max Mage Hunter Strike Force

Game 2 of the Steamroller and I am predictably drawn against my most regular opponent Paul. He had forgotten to bring his AFG so wasn’t confident in his Kaelyssa list, so I was fairly sure he would bring Ossyan. I can’t remember my decision process to drop Kaelyssa but I did so anyway, I suspect I just wanted a change after the last game. Paul wins first turn and I pick the side less affected by the awful forests on the table.

Paul runs up, with Quicken on Hypnos and Admonition on the Banshee. The Mage Hunters spread out with Narn in an aggressive position behind the wall in the centre. Unlike last game the Mage Hunters stay out of max engagement range of my models.

Narn is within aim range of Kaelyssa so she Phantom Hunters and Refuges herself, and shoots him off the table, before repositioning behind the building. The AFG advances and fires an AOE at Eiryss, clipping her and doing 4 damage. The rest of my forces run up, under Kaelyssa’s feat and both Sentinel mini-feats.

With all my feats up Paul opts not to feat and instead backs off and takes some pot-shots into Helios, hitting first with Hypnos to reduce my defence, and then dealing some decent damage with the Mage Hunters. On the right the Hunters hide behind and within the forest ready for a feat next turn.

Unfortunately for Paul he had left Hypnos within 10” of Helios, so I decided that taking it was the best way to get up. The AFG knocked it down, and Helios charged in with Concentrated Power wrecking the jack in 3 attacks, Flame Burst setting 3 Mage Hunters of fire. Elsewhere my Sentinels ran to engage as best they could and I prepared to take the shooting.

Paul uses his feat and shoots off the Helios, with some shots spare to put into Sentinels, killing a handful of the right unit, but wisely leaving the left untouched.

My Sentinels close in on the flanks, the left unit killing most of the left Mage Hunters, whilst the right unit destroys the objective and puts some damage into the Hydra. Kaelyssa moves up, shoots and Refuges to the right flag to start scoring Control Points. I go 2-0 up.

During Paul’s turn I remember how quickly unsupported Sentinels die. Between the Hydra and Banshee most of the central ones perish, and the Aspis with Concentrated Power accounts for 3 or 4 more on the left. On the right the Mage Hunters take some more out with Combined Melee Attacks. Nothing contests the flag though so I take a 3-0 lead.

My options to win this turn are to either kill Ossyan or kill the Hydra and control the zone. I can get 4 Sentinel attacks on Ossyan or 2 Sentinels, 2 AFG shots and Kaelyssa’s gun onto the Hydra. I decide to take the Vengeance attacks on Ossyan and see how I get on. One hit and the damage spikes high so I decide to go for the kill. One of the other Sentinel attacks hits and Ossyan goes down.



A much closer game than I thought it was going to be early on. I got ahead pretty well but the feat turn was devastating enough to bring it right back. Through scenario pressure I was able to pressurise a victory but it was no sure thing at all. A great fun game and 5CPs should it come down to that on tie-breakers. Onwards into round 3.

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