

Thursday 1 June 2017

Game 34: Kaelyssa vs Severius1

Game 34 – Vs Adam Jones – Protectorate of Menoth – 31/05/17

My list:
Kaelyssa, The Night’s Whisper
Arcantrik Force Generator
Arcanist Mechanik
Arcanist Mechanik
Eiryss, Angel of Retribution
Max Dawnguard Sentinels
-Dawnguard Sentinel Officer and Standard Bearer
Max Dawnguard Sentinels
-Dawnguard Sentinel Officer and Standard Bearer

His List:
Grand Scrutator Severius
-Blessing of Vengeance
-Eye of Truth
-Hand of Vengeance
Avatar of Menoth
Allegiant of the Order of the Fist
Allegiant of the Order of the Fist
Vassal of Menoth
Vassal of Menoth
Vassal Mechanic
Vassal Mechanic
Min Choir of Menoth
Visgoth Juviah Rhoven & Honour Guard

With a steamroller event looming on Saturday I wanted to get a game in with my latest iteration of my Kaelyssa list, this time with double Sentinels to back up the AFG and Helios, with Eiryss2 on hand to disrupt where necessary. Adam had been complaining that I hadn’t played against him since I had been writing reports so I finally relented and we faced off. We both only had the one list so set up Recon and got to it, with Adam rolling the dice roll but deciding to choose the more beneficial side (it had a wall to protect Severius from Helios pushes, allowing me to go first.

With Eye of Menoth on the table some of Kaelyssa’s best upkeeps were pretty worthless so in turn 1 I simply cast Refuge on the AFG and Banishing Ward on herself to protect from any possible spell assassination from Severius. Everything else ran up the board.

Adam spends his turn running up and putting out upkeeps, with Defender’s Ward on The Avatar and Vision on Eye of Judgment. Both Allegiants use their Shifting Sands Stance and advance up the board. Adam keeps his 3 Shield Guards behind his jacks and locks them together to protect against pulls from Helios.

Adam has set himself up in such a way that I don’t think I can kill a jack this turn, so the plan becomes to make his life difficult with Disruption, Knock Down, and Stall, feat, and move into position to hit hard in turn 3. Between the AFG shots, Kaelyssa, Eiryss and the Push gun, by the end of the turn Avatar is knocked down and has Defender’s Ward stripped from it, Eye is knocked down and Disrupted and Hand is Stationary. After the AFG has shot and Refuged into the zone Kaelyssa casts it on herself allowing her to pop up, shoot and move back to her trench. The Sentinels run up and both use Iron Zeal but in a slight positioning error I have one Sentinel too close to Eiryss, and a couple of them are out of Feat range.

Between my feat and staying out of threat ranges there is only so much Adam can do in this turn, but he does capitalise on a couple of my mistakes. Blessing of Vengeance moves up to the right Sentinels and an Ashes to Ashes from Severius leaps onto Eiryss, killing her. Severius also puts Death Sentence onto the Sentinels and by the end of the turn 5 of them are dead with a sixth on fire, with Hand of Judgment’s spray dealing with the majority of them. The Allegiants both use their stance, with one moving up to engage Sentinels, and in the centre Avatar and Eye both run up into the zone.

Time to get some work done. I eye up an assassination run on Severius based around getting 2 Sentinel charges into him (camping nothing) but decide it isn’t worth it over a killer attrition turn. The AFG starts by aiming, knocking down the Avatar and slamming a Sentinel over the jamming Allegiant. Kaelyssa strips Vision and makes Eye Stationary. Then the heavy hitters go to town. Helios kills Avatar and does some damage to Eye of Truth, the right Sentinels charge and do about 20 damage to Hand of Judgment as well as killing the Choir member in the zone, and the left Sentinels finish the Eye of Truth, kill both the Mechanics in the zone and the objective.

Adam spends some time considering an assassination angle with Ashes to Ashes bounces onto Kaelyssa, but can’t find a way to get the range, much less the amazing dice he would require. With no way out he shakes my hand.


I like the feel of this list a lot. Yes this was an extremely favourable match up but it feels so easy to deliver the Sentinels under Kaelyssa’s feat, and the amount of disruption and control in the list is quite deceptive. I am sure it won’t play as well into Hordes or a more infantry heavy build but I can’t wait to get it on the table again.

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