

Tuesday 23 May 2017

Game 28: Garryth vs Butcher3

Game 28 – Vs Chris Tapper – Khador – 14/05/17

My list:
Garryth, Blade of Retribution
-Sylys Wyshnalyrr, The Seeker
Arkantrik Force Generator
Dahlia & Skarath
Arcanist Mechanik
Arcanist Mechanik
Lanyssa Ryssyl
Lys Healer
Max Dawnguard Sentinels
-Officer and Standard

His List:
Kommander Zoktavir, The Butcher Unleashed (Winterguard Kommand)
-War Argus
-War Argus
-War Dog
Winterguard Gun Carriage
Kovnik Jozef Grigorovich
Max Winterguard Rifle Corps
-Winterguard Rocketeer
-Winterguard Rocketeer
-Winterguard Rocketeer
Winterguard Field Gun
Winterguard Mortar

My last game at the Welsh Masters saw me face the same opponent as the first, Chris Tapper who I had played on the Friday evening as a practice game. I have no intention of playing the identical matchup, and wasn’t bothered about my final result, so I dropped in Garryth to see what he could do. Chris had no such gentlemanly instinct and dropped Butcher3 again. Chris got fist turn and the last round begun. A week on I can’t exactly remember the details from this one and my picture taking wasn’t particularly strong, so please bear with me.

Chris ran up with Silence of Death on Butcher. The jacks spread out and the Kodiak moves up aggressively. The Kodiak is in range of Helios’ gn if he tramples so the AFG knocks it down, before Helios pulls it in. With only 2 bought attacks available I don’t kill it but it is crippled and well out of Butcher’s control area. Garryth casts Mirage on the Sentinels and Sentry on the AFG

I had positioned Dahlia so badly and with no transfers she was shot off by the Winterguard, taking Skarath with her. This was a stupid mistake that I can only put down to a long weekend of gaming. Other than this he moves up and puts some shots into my army. Chris’ big mistake comes when he hits the Sentinel leader with a shot, not killing him but still triggering Vengeance.

The Vengeance moves from the Sentinels finish off the Kodiak, and between that and Mirage then move in range for some juicy charges. The AFG aims and knocks down Ruin and the Marauder, the former of which is pulled in and destroyed by Helios. The Sentinels charge in to the Gun Carriage and Marauder, killing the Carriage and doing significant damage to the jack. One Sentinel charges the War Dog, killing it and removing Guard Dog from Butcher.

Butcher’s army shoot off the Sentinels an consolidate towards the left flag, taking some pot shots at my objective along the way.

In my turn Helios charges in and removes the last 2 heavies and Garryth moves to the right flag to score and go 1-0 up (in my haze I thought that it was 2 for dominating the flags, which would have given me a real chance at a scenario victory. I am not sure what I would have done differently had I known otherwise)

Butcher charges in and kills Helios, before feating to go back up to full focus. At this point the game is kill Butcher or die for me.

The AFG slams a wardog over him, knocking him down, before Garryth moves in. I need to roll a 5 on the Gallows distance to pull him in but only push 1 inch, not even taking him out of Sac Pawn range of his Winterguard. With no way out of the game I shake Chris’ hand.


I’m not taking too much from this game. Had I dropped Helynna I’m pretty sure the result would have been the same as on the Friday night but I really just wanted to play Garryth after 4 straight games with Pacific Rim. I was tired and made mistakes but it was a fun game nonetheless. The combination of AFG and Helios really shone in this game which was something I wanted to take forward into future lists.

I had a great time at the Welsh. I was frustrated by some of my bad play but it is still early days for me in the faction. The main thing was I felt extremely enthused to see what else the faction had to offer and can’t wait to try out some new list ideas.

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