

Monday 22 May 2017

Game 20: Garryth vs Amon Ad-Raza

Game 20 – Vs James Snodgrass – Protectorate of Menoth – 12/05/17

My list:
Garryth, Blade of Retribution
-Sylys Wyshnalyrr, The Seeker
Arkantrik Force Generator
Dahlia & Skarath
Arcanist Mechanik
Arcanist Mechanik
Lanyssa Ryssyl
Lys Healer
Max Dawnguard Sentinels
-Officer and Standard
-Soulless Escort

His List:
High Allegiant Amon Ad-Raza (The Creator’s Might)
Max Choir
Min Choir
Vassal of Menoth
Vassal of Menoth
The Covenant of Menoth
Vassal Mechanic

James had been watching my previous game against Chris and wanted to have a practice game into Retribution. We both knew that I couldn’t really drop Helynna into Amon, and so the matchup was Garryth against Amon (his other list was Thyra and just wouldn’t have had the hitting power to kill Helios). I wanted to try out the ADR options that I had in the list and seemed like as good a time as any to not be using Helios, so he was swapped out for Imperatus, Moros and the Soulless Escort. I won first turn and we got to it.

Garryth ran up, with his usual suite of upkeeps out (Mirage on the Sentinels and Sentry on the AFG). Everything moved into position with Imperatus aggressively up the table due to him having no guns in his army. Amon ran his forces up, with no non-magical shooting on the jacks, and I was presented with the following puzzle for my turn 2.

With Imperatus in position and only the Vigilant protecting Amon I see the opportunity for an early assassination. The run involves knocking down the Vigilant, removing cover from Amon, charging Imperatus into a Cruader (with Hunter’s Mark for range increase and free charge) and Sidestepping into Amon for the kill. The Sentry shot knocked down the Crusader, but the AFG had to advance to get range for the Vigilant, but 1 shot was all it needed to knock the Vigilant down. Garryth advances within 12 of Amon and feats, attempting a couple of gun shots that do nothing. I did my turn order wrong here. Had I done Garryth first then Amon wouldn’t have been able to transfer the AFG slam damage from the Vigilant. It is immaterial in the end as Imperatus is able to get in and one-shot Amon.


Safe to say my first ever game with Imperatus felt good. James made a couple of mistakes that could have changed things in this game, but realistically if keep Imperatus back the assassination is going to be possible at some point. Had he prayed for no spells rather than no shooting then Hunter’s Mark wouldn’t have been usable unless I had found a Choir to target and charge. He could also have had the Shield Guards or Covenant closer to the Vigilant, but was focusing on protecting the bulk of his army. I love Garryth for the assassinations that he can set up with his feat, hopefully the weekend would bring more opportunities.

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