

Tuesday 2 May 2017

Game 16: Garryth vs Kaelyssa

Game 16 – Vs Paul Sheard – Retribution of Scyrah – 26/04/17

My list:
Garryth, Blade of Retribution
-Sylys Wyshnalyrr, The Seeker
Arkantrik Force Generator
Dahlia & Skarath
Arcanist Mechanik
Arcanist Mechanik
Lanyssa Ryssyl
Lys Healer
Max Dawnguard Sentinels
-Officer and Standard

His List:
Kaelyssa, The Night’s Whisper
-Sylys Wyshnalyrr, The Seeker
Arcanist Mechanik
Arcanist Mechanik
Arcanist Mechanik
Eiryss, Angel of Retribution
Ghost Sniper
Ghost Sniper
Mage Hunter Assassin
Max Mage Hunter Strike Force
Max Mage Hunter Strike Force

With my list pair all but confirmed for the Welsh Masters it is now just about getting games in with the list pair so that playing the lists become second nature. I also need to play games with the ADR elements of the list, but I need to get them painted first. Paul wanted to try out his assassination style Kaelyssa list, with the unsubtle tactic of backlashing my caster to death. Helios may well become a liability.

I won first turn and ran up, with Mirage on the Sentinels and Sentry on the AFG as usual. Paul doesn’t advance too strongly, flanking slightly with the mage hunters, and preparing for a devastating turn of shooting. Kaelyssa feats to protect his forces.

The AFG fires its 3 AOEs into the MHSF on the right, killing 3 and scattering onto the Ghost Sniper, killing it. Helios tramples up, pulls in the Chimera but misses the attack, he puts up Distortion Field to make the shooting more difficult. The Sentinels and Skarath advance up the left flank ready to deal with anything that comes forward. Dahlia follows up by sitting on the left flag.

Kaelyssa puts Backlash on the Helios and his force goes to town. Unfortunately for Paul his rolls to hit were not great (the MHSF needing 8s to hit was a real struggle) and his damage rolls spiked a lot, meaning that by the end of his turn the Helios had 16 boxes left, but after avoiding damage with focus Garryth had only taken around 5 boxes. In going for the assassination Paul hadn’t contested either the central or left flags, allowing me to score 1CP. 1-0 to Retribution

My game plan becomes scoring 3CPs and blocking Paul out of the left flag. With only Eiryss and the Chimera contesting the right flag, Helios moves up, boosts an attack into Eiryss, killing her, and pushes the Chimera away from the flag. On the left Skarath sprays off 2 MSHF and the Sentinels charge in, killing more and providing a solid wall. Garryth realises that he can only lose by getting killed and runs away, and I but 3 solos on the left flag to stop him sniping any out. 4-0 to Retribution.

Paul realises he cannot stop me winning on scenario but has an outside chance of assassination as the Helios has 16 boxes left, and after focus Garryth has 15HP. Unfortunately for Paul he activates Kaelyssa who hits but massively spikes damage, almost killing Helios. His Ghost Sniper finishes it off before Paul goes points fishing, managing to snipe out Dahlia and Skarath and scoring a point on the right flag. He cannot stop me scoring my 5th point. 5-1 Retribution


Paul was very unlucky with his assassination run and I have no idea whether average dice would have made it work or not, but it felt like the Distortion Field was so strong here, pushing him from needing 6s to 8s. Again Garryth did nothing but upkeep spells over the course of the game but the army supports itself so well that this and providing threat is all he really needs to do. I really like the list and can’t wait to play it into more games.

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